Loading and exporting data

Loading data

For loading data acquired on Bruker spectrometers, EPRpy needs the path to either the .DSC or .DTA file. The .DSC and .DTA must be in the same folder. In case of some 2D-data, an accompanying .GF is also required in the same folder.

Data can be loaded into an EprData object by using the load(filepath) function as follows.

# import EPRpy
import eprpy as epr

# Load data by providing path to .DSC or .DTA file
epr_data = epr.load('tempo.DSC')

epr_data is an EprData data object with various accessible attributes. For instance. the loaded data can be accessed by epr_data.data and acquisition parameters can be accessed by epr_data.acq_param.

Exporting data

Data is stored in the form of Numpy arrays, therfore, you can use numpy functions for exporting data as shown below.

# import EPRpy
import eprpy as epr

# Load data by providing path to .DSC or .DTA file
epr_data = epr.load('tempo.DSC')

# export
## epr_data.x contains the abscissa (field values in this case)
## epr_data.data contains the spectrum (or intensity)

out_data = np.array([epr_data.x,epr_data.data])

Read more about input and output of NumPy arrays.