Operations on data

After loading the data into an EprData object, following functions can be used to perform various operations on the data. Since the data is stored as NumPy arrays, all artihmetic operations which are valid on NumPy arrays are also valid on attributes of EprData which are NumPy arrays, such as data, x and y.


All operations returns a new EprData object. After each operation, a history entry is added to the history of the EprData object.


Data in an EprData object can be scaled between two values using the scale_between method. There are two optional inputs min_val and max_val, which correspond to the minimum and maximum value of the range within which the data will be scaled. If no inputs are given, the data is scaled between 0 and 1.

See how to scale data between two values.

Computing Integrals

Integrals can be calculated using the integral method of the EprData class. Since CW-EPR data is usually acuqired as firtst-derivatives, the function should be called twice for a double integral calculation.

See computing integrals.

Baseline Correction

Baseline correction in EPRpy supports 1D and 2D data and allows for interactive selection of baseline points. Baseline points in case of 2D data are selected using the first slice of the data. The baseline can be fitted using linear, polynomial, or spline methods. To correct the baseline, baseline_correct method of the EprData class can be used. Basline correction accepts various inputs :

  • interactive : If set to True, this will plot the data with an option to select points interactively. These points will then be used for the calculating the baseline.

  • npts : Another way of specifying points. When interactive is set to False, npts is equal to the number of points at the start and end of the data which is used for baseline correction.

  • method : Should be one of ‘linear’, ‘polynomial’ and ‘spline’.

  • order : Specifies the polynomial order in case of method ‘polynomial’.

  • spline_smooth : Smoothing factor of the spline, in case of method ‘spline’.

See a baseline correction example.

Selecting a region

This operation returns a new EprData object, which corresponds to selected region of the data (or spectrum). The operation is always carried out on the last axis of the data and needs a list of indices as input which corresponds to the desired region. See selecting a region.

History of data operations

Any previous EprData object can be accessed by using the history attribute of the EprData object. Each EprData object stores history of all data operations and the corresponding EprData object in a list of lists. The first item in each list is the description of the data operation and the second item is the corresponding EprData object. See how to access history.